Monday, February 2, 2009

Orange Porange

I am so sick of the snow and ice that's been sporadically bombarding the tri-state area the past two months.

At first all the school cancelations and two hour delays were cool by allowing us stressed out high school students to have more study time for our impending tests (aka doom) or to catch up on the immense sleep deprivation we all seem to suffer from...yet lately all this weather is just becoming the ultimate annoyance. Last week was midterms week and there was one snow day followed by a 2 hour delay the following morning. Which regrettably moved some of my tests till today making me have to re-study all my material. To our luck, we're expecting 2-4 more inches of snow tomorrow. Joy to the world. (Please note the sarcastic tone.)

In honor of the unusually warm weather experienced today I ventured on outside to take some pictures (something normally made impossible due to the habitual cold January weather.)

hallur thur

orange porange

accesories details

typical situation

bloomingdales sweater dress, ugg boots, rayban wayfarers (mom's in the 1980s), chanel earrings, bag & necklace: gift

SPANISH: Estoy cansadisima de este mal tiempo que esta frontando el area noroeste. Las tormentas de nieve y hielo que transcurrieron los pasados dos meses al principio eran muy deseados por todos los estudiantes porque nos dejaba dias adicionales para estudiar para nuestros examenes o recuperar las horas de sin-dormir. Pero ahora ya estamos todos cansados y manana viene mas nieve...dicen que 2-4 inchas. Uff. Que asco, ya estoy cansada. Hoy hico un tiempo inusualmente bueno asi que afuera me fui para sacar unas fotitos.

Je suis vraiment ennuyé avec le mauvais temps qui affecte le nord-est. Au début les orages de neige et de glace ont été désirés parce qu'ils permis à étudiants d'étudier pour nos examens et de dormir beacoup. Mais maintenant il est simplement ennuyant. Demain il a supposé pour neiger 2-4 pouces supplémentaires. Yuck ! Aujourd'hui il faisait exceptionnellement chaud ainsi je suis allé dehors pour faire quelques images.